2 things you should be worried about as we grow older

Blood Circulation In The Body

you may be not understand the way our bodies work, we all get lost in our twenties and think that that view is now there to stay. Blood travels easier in our youths and struggles as we grow older due to so many reasons, one being stress, problems and reality finally settling in. So always make sure that blood is traveling a least 75% as it did when in your youth, as blood plays a measure role in youth. I am serious 

Current Habits

Are you now used to bending your spin, smiling awkwardly, sitting in a not so good manner and the list is endless, STOP THAT HABIT! It will take you down loserville faster than you can think. If not the case your body will get used to that habit and you are teaching the body or should i say coding  a new trait, as we grow that body is waiting for you to teach it how to age, tell it what you wnt it to look like in its prime. 




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